Drain Cleaning Sherman Oaks, California




It’s not hard to tell when you are in need of drain cleaning services. In Sherman Oaks California you can turn to the experts at The Northridge Plumber for all of your plumbing needs.

Do you know the signs to watch for that will tip you off when there is something wrong with your plumbing? The funny thing about sewer and drain lines is that they typically get ignored until they need to be serviced. Plus, we don’t normally think about servicing them until something appears to be happening to them. Normally that ‘something’ is not good.

Drain problems are not something the average person wants to have to deal with, but it happens. The main sign of a problem is usually a slow moving drain. The tricky part of this problem is that it usually takes a period of time to develop.

You don’t normally notice a slow moving drain until it becomes an issue in a sink, tub or shower. This kind of problem normally hints at the possibility of a clog that has developed in the line. This is a job that can’t be put off.


You can try to remove the clog yourself by using several different DIY options ranging from a plunger and drain cleaning chemicals to a snake that you feed into the drain. The problem with these methods is that the clog is normally deep inside the pipe and far from the reach of the DIY tools you have access to.

This is why it is important to rely on the professionals at The Northridge Plumber for these kinds of services. They have the tools to take care of your drain problem. But first, they will need to find the clog or other issue slowing down your drains.


They do this by inserting a small camera inside the pipe. It is done by digging one or two small holes in your yard to the locations of the pipe connections. Once the camera is inside the pipe, it is easier to identify the cause of the drain problem as well as the precise location of it.

That is because the closed-circuit camera system provides a set of eyes inside the pipe that is being examined. It is extremely accurate and effective in diagnosing pipe problems. If the problem is a clog created by organic material or a tree root that has grown into the pipe, The Northridge Plumber can clear them away with a blast of high pressure water.

If the slow draining is the result of something else, The Northridge Plumber has access to several different trenchless repair options that can fix leaks, breaks and cave ins and will not require the need to dig up your sewer or drain lines to complete.


Trenchless repairs are less costly, take less time and are less damaging to property. To find out more about drain cleaning services provided by The Northridge Plumber contact them via email or by phone at 818-405-8590 to book an appointment for a pipe inspection.